At the courtyard of the Bursa Prison. |
A newspaper article on the sixth day of the hunger strike. |
Celile, while collecting signatures on the Bridge. |
Nâzım Hikmet with Münevver Andaç, on the days he was released from prison. |
June of 1951 at the Mühürdar Garden: Münevver, Müzehher Vâ-Nû, Nâzım, Zekeriya Sertel, Renan, and Memet, inside the car, 29 June 1951. |
The welcome ceremony of the Authors' Union at the Moscow Airport. |
Nâzım Hikmet, with the young who welcomed him with enthusiasm at the World Youth Festival in Berlin, on August 1951. |
Nâzım, drinking Turkish coffee at his dacha at Perdelkino. |
Dr. Galina and Nâzım Hikmet. |
Nâzım, in front of the photographs of Memet, resting in his dacha at Peredelkino. |
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