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Memet Fuat (b. 1926, Istanbul - 19/12/2002, Istanbul) graduated from Haydarpaşa High School in 1946, and from Istanbul University's English Language and Literature Department in 1951.

He worked in various positions such as teaching, translating, journalism, and assistantship to architects. In 1960 he founded the publishing house De. Between the years 1964 and 1975 he edited the literary cultural journal Yeni Dergi. For ten years, from 1963 to 1972, he edited selected annual almanacs of Turkish Literature gathering stories, poems and essays.

His passion for sports from early on resulted in his enthusiastic directing of children around him to sports. In the Altınyurt Sports Club, which was a neighbourhood club, he engaged in football, table-tennis and volleyball. Between 1972 and 1980, he coached the men's national volleyball team. He trained famous players and taught volleyball in the Anadolu Hisarı Youth and Sports Academy in 1979-1982.

From 1980 to 1983 he directed the literary magazine Yazko Edebiyat.

In 1981, he undertook the directorship of national publications with the Adam Publishing House; he retired in 1987. But until 1999, he continued to be the general editor of the magazine Adam Sanat, which had been launched in 1985.

Memet Fuat, who in his writings dwells on freedom of thought and tolerance and who is closely concerned with Turkish poetry, was awarded the Ataç Criticim Prize for his essays in 1959. Also, in 1961 he won the Turkish Language Association Essay-Criticism Award with his book entitled Düşünceye Saygı ('Respect for Thought'). He shared with Gülten Akın the Sedat Simavi Prize with his book Çağdaşımız Makyavel (Machiavelli, Our Contemporary).

In 1995 he was awarded 'The Great Prize of Culture and Art' of the Ministry of Culture, and in 1996 he received the Gold Medal of Authors Society Honour Prize.

Published books:

Aşk ve Sümüklüböcek (1946, stories with Tuna Baltacıoğlu, 'Love and Slug')
Yaşadığımız (1951; 1998, novel, 'What We Have Lived')
Bir Ayrılışın Öyküsü (1998, stories, 'The Story of a Separation')

Gölgede Kalan Yıllar (1997, 'Years Left in the Shadow')
Tribünden Palavra Anılar (1999, 'Bunk Memories from the Bleachers')

Düşünceye Saygı (1960, expanded 2nd ed. 1994, 'Respect for Thought')
Çağını Görebilmek (1982, 'Ability to Perceive the Contemporary')
Unutulmuş Yazılar (1986, 'Forgotten Writings')
Çağdaşımız Makyavel (1992, 'Machiavelli, Our Contemporary')
Eleştiri Sorumluluğu (1994, 'The Responsibility of Criticism')
İki Yönlü Yozlaşma (1995, 'Bilateral Degeneration')
Konuşan Toplum (1996, 'Talking Society')
Dağlarda Yüreğim (1996, 'My Heart up on the Mountains')
Özgünlük Avı (1996, 'Pursuit of Originality')
Sömürüsüz Bir Dünya (1998, 'A World without Exploitation')
Çoğunluğun Gücü (1998, 'The Power of the Majority')
Duyumsanmayan Karanlık (1998, 'Unperceivable Darkness')
Biçemden Biçeme (1999, 'From Style to Style')
Yaşlı Bir Şaire Mektuplar (1999, 'Letters to an Old Poet')
Aykırılıklar (2000, 'Marginalities')
Din ile Felsefe (2000, 'Religion and Philosophy')
Demokrasi Kültürü (2000, 'The Culture of Democracy')
İkinci Yeni Tartışması (2000, 'The Debate on "The Second New" ')

Series of Authors' Life, Art and Works:
Yunus Emre (1976)
Şinasi (1977)
Pir Sultan (1977)
Karacaoğlan (1977)
Ahmet Haşim (1977)
Tevfik Fikret (1979)
Namık Kemal (1999)

Türk Edebiyatı ('Turkish Literature', annual almanacs from 1963 to 1972, ten volumes)
İlkokul Çocukları İçin Şiirler (1968, 'Poems for Primary School Kids')
Çağdaş Türk Şiiri Antolojisi (1985, expanded 2nd ed. 1999, 'Anthology of Contemporary Turkish Poetry')
Dünya Yazınından Çeviri Şiirler (1992, 'Poems in Translation from World Literature')
Dünya Yazınından Seçilmiş Kısa Oyunlar I-II (1993, 'Selected Short Plays from World Literature I-II')
Dünya Yazınından Seçilmiş Kısa Öyküler (1993, 'Selected Short Stories from World Literature')
Türk Yazınından Seçilmiş Çocuklar İçin Şiirler (1993, 'Selected Poems for Children from Turkish Literature')
Türk Yazınından Seçilmiş Denemeler (1993, 'Selected Essays from Turkish Literature')
Türk Yazınından Seçilmiş Eleştiri Yazıları (1993, 'Selected Criticism from Turkish Literature')

Selected Poems:
Nâzım Hikmet (1997)
Orhan Veli (1997)
Oktay Rifat (1997)
Cahit Külebi (1997)
Edip Cansever (1997)
Sabri Altınel (1997)
Cahit Irgat (1998)

Tiyatro Tarihi (1961, 'History of the Theatre')
Her Yer Tiyatrodur (1997, 'Everywhere is a Stage')

Voleybol (1983, under the pseudonym Mehmet Bengü, 'Volleyball')


Çimen Yaprakları (Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman)

Alın Yazısı (The Sure Hand of God, Erskine Caldwell)

Morgue Sokağı Cinayeti (The Murders in the Rue Morgue, Edgar Allan Poe)
Ateş Yakmak (To Build a Fire, Jack London)
Kasımpatları (The Chrysanthemums, John Steinbeck)
Denizin Değiştirdiği (The Sea Change, Ernest Hemingway)
Yoksul İnsanlar (A Number of the Poor, William Saroyan)
Kuyudaki Zenci (The Negro in the Well, Erskine Caldwell)
Ölü Albayın Kızları (The Daughters of the Late Colonel, Katherine Mansfield)
Gece Ağacı (A Tree of Night, Truman Capote)

Doğum Günü Partisi (Birthday Party, Harold Pinter)

Short Play:
Çağrılmadan Gelen (The Intruder, Maurice Maeterlinck)
Kulaktan Kulağa (Spreading the News, Lady Augusta Gregory)
Trenton ile Camden'e Mutlu Yolculuk (The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, Thornton Wilder)
İstiridye ile İnci (The Oyster and the Pearl, William Saroyan)
Zavallı Aubrey (Poor Aubrey, George Kelly)
Don Cristobita ile Dona Rosita'nın Acıklı Güldürüsü (El Retablillo de Don Cristóbal and Doña Rosita la soltera, Federico Garcia Lorca)

In order to have detailed information on Memet Fuat, you may visit www.memetfuat.com.