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When, in the 20th Congress in March 1956, Krushchev made incredible explanations about the murders Stalin had committed, Nâzım Hikmet wrote his poem entitled "Yirminci Kongre" (The Twentieth Congress) in which he evaluated this event as the return of Lenin.
He came down with pneumonia in September 1956. He rested in the Yasenik Sanatorium in Czechoslovakia from 3 November 1956 to 27 July 1957.
After 1957, he began to travel to the eastern countries of the Soviet Union under the auspices of the Authors Union. There were communities in the east that spoke Turkish. Nâzım Hikmet made real friends there and he was shaken by what he saw and heard in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.
His play entitled İvanİIvanoviç Var mıydı Yok muydu (Did Ivan Ivanovich Exist or Not), which entailed heavy criticism of the Stalin period, was staged at the Theatre of Satire in Moscow and was prohibited after opening night. This event upset Nâzım Hikmet. He went into a depression. He even thought of committing suicide. The pressure of the Stalin period was still felt in Moscow and the orthodox communists intended to obstruct the liberal communists. But the play was staged in the other theatres in Riga, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria.
Nâzım Hikmet spent May 1958 with the Dinos in Paris which was the city Münevver Andaç had spent time in her youth. He was writing poems addressing her. He was calling her "Gülüm," as in the poems he wrote when he was in jail. And he was answering the question of "Whom did you see in Paris" as "the maidenhood of my 'Mimi'."
However, he was experiencing a new love storm starting from the end of the year 1955. He had fallen in love with a young woman named Vera Tulyakova and came to Paris, leaving her in Moscow. When he was writing "Paris without you," it was not easy to understand who it was that he missed.
Nâzım Hikmet went to Leipzig on June 1958 and the Turks who were working at 'Our Radio'. Meeting up with people whom he knew from Turkey lightened the depth of the suffering of his homesickness. Seven years had passed since he had left Münevver and his son in Istanbul and gone abroad. His son was growing up in the photographs. Meeting with friends from home was like meeting with them.
His ardent desire for his wife, since June 1951 when he left Turkey, was not an obstacle for him to establish relationships with other women. In 1952, he stayed for three months in the Barvikha Sanatorium because of the pains in his chest. He felt an inclination for a young doctor who had fallen in love with him. Her name was Galina Grigoryevna Kolesnikova. After he left the hospital, they decided to live together. Dr. Galina was assigned to be the special doctor of the poet with the approval of the Authors Union.
This special doctor was continuously attended Nâzım Hikmet; she was managing his home, giving his medicine, monitoring his food, determining his rest and travelling with him. The poet pointed out on several occasions that it was Dr. Galina's close interest that had prevented him from dying a number of times. Dr. Galina knew that he was married and loved his wife. She was ready to meet Münevver Andaç. If one day this meeting would indeed occur, she would leave the poet to his wife. But a different event occurred instead.
Through the end of 1955, Valentina Brumberg of the Soyuz Multifilm Institute came to get information about Albanian costumes. She was accompanied by a young woman assistant named Vera Tulyakova.
The event that was experienced in Bursa in 1948 was repeated again, immediately. The poet fell in love for the "first time" in his life. But this time, he would have learned a year later that the young woman with whom he had fallen in love was married and had a daughter.
He began frequently to go the Soyuz Multifilm Institute in order to give information about Albanian costumes, but with chocolates and flowers in his hand. He was six years older than the father (who had died in the war) of the young woman he was in love with. The relationship, which seemed to be a joke at the beginning, was getting more serious by the day.
Because of acute pneumonia, in 1956, Nâzım Hikmet had to stay away from Moscow for an extended period.
He was thinking of Moscow while he was waiting to regain his health in the Yasenik Sanatorium in Czechoslovakia from 3 November 1956 to 27 July 1957. The day they separated, Vera Tulyakova said to him that she did not want to continue this relationship and they must end it; but just the opposite would happen.
When they met in Moscow on 27 July 1957, they began work on the script of Sevdalı Bulut (The Cloud in Love). When the script was accepted, they continued to work together, this time to shoot the movie. But Nâzım Hikmet had to leave Moscow because of impending travels. He stayed in Baku for a month at the end of 1957. He was in Warsaw from January to April in 1958, in Paris in May, in Leipzig in June of the same year.
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